Entry Types


Adding an Entry Category
Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Add Entry Types are how the  SportsTG system categorises your Event's Entrants and determines how much they pay for their Entry into your Event. Adding multiple entr...
Adding an Entry Type
Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Add Entry Types are how the SportsTG system categorises your Event's Entrants and determines how much they pay for their Entry into your Event. Adding multiple entry types...
Copying an Entry Type
Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Copy Entry Types are how the SportsTG system categorises your Event's Entrants and determines how much they pay for their Entry into your Event. When adding multiple entry...
Early Bird and Late Entry Pricing
Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Edit > Pricing Within Events, you have the option of creating Early Bird and Late Entry fees for your Event, all within the one Entry Type. 1. Within the Management Co...
Entry Type Eligibility Criteria
Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Edit > Eligibility  Sometimes your Event will have certain eligibility criteria that an Entrant needs to meet before they can register for the Event. The SportsTG sy...
Setting up Receipts & Attachments
Quick Steps:  Go to  Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Edit > Invoice  or  Attachment Events gives the Event Administrators to set up individual receipts and attachments for entrants based upon En...
Entry Type Mass Update Function
Quick Steps:  Go to  Events  >  Event Console  >  Entry Type  >  Update All Day Entry Types A Mass Update function within Entry Types allows an Event Orga...
Google Adwords
Quick Steps:  Go to  Events > Event Name > Entry Types > Edit > Google Adwords The Google AdWords function in Events is integrated with Google Analytics. This function can assist in attracting participants to your...
Events Member Email Merge Fields
Events now allow Event  Administrators the ability to include all member email merge fields within an email sent to event entrants.  This allows administrators the ability to include their members' information in emails sent to Event...